December 1 -wow! How did that get here so fast? So many crafty things will start today in blogland - Tim Holtz's 12 Tags of Christmas; Shimelle's Journal Your Christmas; Ali Edwards December Daily to name a few. I'll definitely play along with Tim's tag tutorials and will be working on a JYC album with hipstamatic pictures. In addition, I'll be jotting down some favorite events of the season in a little mini album. Are you doing any December art? Over at Gingersnap Creations, the theme for the month is Snow. Here's my first entry - its a theme entry featuring my favorite snowman stamp from Club Scrap, stamped on sticky back canvas and stickled. The background is plaster, plainted with a color washes of purple and blue then also stickled. Gotta get some sparkle going for December!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
A final fashion statement
As you may recall, I was honored in the month of November to be asked to be a contributing artist at Gingersnap Creations blog during "fashion & sewing" month. I had such a wonderful time that I wanted to make one more piece that fit the month's theme. This wall hanging is done on plaster wrap, painted in a Michael DeMeng color wash style. I added some grungepaper flowers with vintage buttons as their centers and a bit of vintage lace. I'm tempted to add a quote in white above the two lower left flowers, but I'm holding off on that for right now. It feels good to be getting back to working with plaster and to actually finish a piece (this one has been "in process" all month). And, for some more good news, the Gingers liked my work so much that they asked me to stay on for another month! Yea me! So, you'll be seeing more of my creations there during December.
In other news, my computer has reached a critical stage in its continuing decline. So, today I bit the bullet and ordered a new computer. It'll take a few weeks to arrive, so I'll keep limping along with this one until then. My biggest current problem is the inability to link to many blogs because my computer reads them as "threats." I can still visit and comment on my ipad, but it's hard for me to add links here in blogger. On the upside, I ordered Photoshop Elements, so 2011 will definitely be the year I move into more photo editing. I also ordered my Christmas present to myself last week - a fixed 80mm portrait lens, as well as a replacement for the telephoto (70-200, I think) that I broke over the summer). What are you getting for Christmas?
In other news, my computer has reached a critical stage in its continuing decline. So, today I bit the bullet and ordered a new computer. It'll take a few weeks to arrive, so I'll keep limping along with this one until then. My biggest current problem is the inability to link to many blogs because my computer reads them as "threats." I can still visit and comment on my ipad, but it's hard for me to add links here in blogger. On the upside, I ordered Photoshop Elements, so 2011 will definitely be the year I move into more photo editing. I also ordered my Christmas present to myself last week - a fixed 80mm portrait lens, as well as a replacement for the telephoto (70-200, I think) that I broke over the summer). What are you getting for Christmas?
to make the tattoo can last longer, preserved in a few months or a year hence the need for care which can make a tattoo that you like does not easily fade or disappear .. for that some famous people in the manufacture of tattoos trying to create a material which can overcome some weaknesses in the tattoo after the paste on the body .. one of them is to use the tattoo care .. tattoo care can create shapes, motifs, and colors on the tattoo to be sunny, bright, and looks like new .. ways to create more beautiful tattoo for one of them is to keep the berries with cotton, and given a bandage (the first step to keep the tattoo is not damaged) .. to further the understanding you can use this link and this link / .. to find out more about how to keep the tattoos look better ..
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Christmas Club & Thanksgiving Weekend, 2010
Time for another installment of Christmas Club, a sharing of Christmas Memories, inspired by Sian of High in the Sky. Today I thought I would share a layout with a special Christmas memory about the year I put off taking the kids to see Santa until the last minute, and I ended up totally stressed and worried that we'd be waiting in line forever. Instead, we experienced our best Santa visit ever:
Here's the journaling:
In a slightly past-its-prime mall called Whittwood, we met the REAL SANTA. When Henry said he didn't know what he wanted, Santa said "Why don't we make it a surprise, then." When Clara said she wanted the two Bitty Baby dolls, Santa said, "You mean the twins?" I said, "You've heard of them?" Santa replied, "Of course. I made them." Clara said she wanted the stroller but thought it wouldn't fit down the chimney and might scratch Grandma's roof. Santa said, "Don't worry. I'll just sprinkle it with some magic dust." Clara gave him a big hug and said, "I love you Santa. Merry Christmas." Christmas Eve, 2002
Flash forward to this weekend. We had a quiet Thanksgiving with just the four of us. Clara was a big help. She made two desserts: a chocolate pudding pie and apple pie pockets.

On Saturday, I had the good fortune of having brunch with Karen of Random Reflections. She is just as lovely in person as you would expect from having visited her blog. We could have talked for hours, but she was off to get a Christmas tree, and I was off to watch Henry play in the Alumni Soccer game:
Here's the journaling:
In a slightly past-its-prime mall called Whittwood, we met the REAL SANTA. When Henry said he didn't know what he wanted, Santa said "Why don't we make it a surprise, then." When Clara said she wanted the two Bitty Baby dolls, Santa said, "You mean the twins?" I said, "You've heard of them?" Santa replied, "Of course. I made them." Clara said she wanted the stroller but thought it wouldn't fit down the chimney and might scratch Grandma's roof. Santa said, "Don't worry. I'll just sprinkle it with some magic dust." Clara gave him a big hug and said, "I love you Santa. Merry Christmas." Christmas Eve, 2002
Flash forward to this weekend. We had a quiet Thanksgiving with just the four of us. Clara was a big help. She made two desserts: a chocolate pudding pie and apple pie pockets.
We had a wonderful dinner: turkey; three vegetable casseroles (which we ate for lunch - will definitely continue that tradition); mashed potatos; and stuffing. Clara and I set the table with my Aunt Vera's china and my Grandmother Ontiveros' silver. I explained to Clara as we worked why these were important to me. Henry was in charge of peeling the potatoes.
On Saturday, I had the good fortune of having brunch with Karen of Random Reflections. She is just as lovely in person as you would expect from having visited her blog. We could have talked for hours, but she was off to get a Christmas tree, and I was off to watch Henry play in the Alumni Soccer game:
That's a picture of Henry running alongside an alum named Fausto Villegas. He's the only soccer All-American to come out of our small high school. He also played for the U.S. National U17 World Cup team! Henry did okay keeping up with him, as well as another alumni who played semi-pro soccer in Mexico. It was such fun to see him back out on the pitch.
Finally, in my very small Christmas miracle for this year, I found my iphone. It had been missing for several days when the finders returned a call my friend Sherri made to the cell phone number. They told her they had found it, and this morning Paul and I went to retrieve it. We had to drive an hour each way to get it, but we found a totally delightful mom who wanted to set an example to her children (one of whom I think "found" the phone) that they are an honest family who returns things. The experience was a wonderful ending to a wonderful weekend!
Seasonal Postoid People and others
Over at the Gingersnap Creations blog, they are hosting a "Craft it Forward" challenge, to create Postoid People. Start with a postage stamp for the head and stamp an approporiate body to go with it. I created a Christmas Angel postoid and a Shopping Girl postoid. These two are pretty representative of my weekend. I've spent a fair amount of time getting ready for Christmas. . . ordering Christmas cards and doing a bit of shopping, as well as planning some of the other holiday festivities (we'll decorate next weekend and go get aour tree the following weekend). I had so much fun making these postoids that I made two more:
These are a bit more "me" than the seasonal ones. Do you have a favorite? Will you play along and craft it forward with me? If so, leave a comment, link back to this blog post and then also link to this Gingersnap Creations post. Have fun!
These are a bit more "me" than the seasonal ones. Do you have a favorite? Will you play along and craft it forward with me? If so, leave a comment, link back to this blog post and then also link to this Gingersnap Creations post. Have fun!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
El Manchester United ficha al portero noruego Anders Lindegaard

(Efe) El Manchester United ha anunciado el sábado el fichaje del guardameta danés Anders Lindegaard, procedente del Aalesund noruego e internacional con su país.
Según el anuncio del club inglés, Lindegaard ha firmado por tres temporadas y media y podrá comenzar a jugar con los Reds Devils en enero.
Sir Alex Ferguson, entrenador del United, ha asegurado que Lindegaard es "uno de los guardametas jóvenes más brillantes" del momento.
Lindegaard, de 26 años, podría convertirse en el sucesor del holandés Edwin van der Sar, que se especula que podría retirarse al finalizar esta temporada.
"Tenemos que estar preparados para el día que Edwin decida retirarse. Esa es la principal razón de este fichaje, protegernos para el futuro", apuntó Ferguson.
Lindegaard, por su parte, admitió que "fichar por el Manchester United es un sueño hecho realidad" y reconoció que el club "es una institución y es un honor venir aquí".
"Deseo comenzar a entrenar con estos grandes jugadores. No puedo esperar a formar parte del equipo y a contribuir a llevarlo a lo más alto posible", apuntó.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Class Review: True Stories
Kk (art journal page)
I made this art journal page in response to a prompt in Shimelle's class "True Stories" about capturing your own private language - you know those pet phrases unique to your world that might be forgotten months or years from now, if not jotted down and explained. It's just a little thing, but as I wrote above, "I find it so sweet when Clara signs off her texts in agreement, 'Kk'."
Shimelle's class was all about capturing stories before they get lost and about recording them in ways that are more meaningful that simply "who, what, when and where." Fifteen emails over three weeks covered a variety of interesting ways to tell stories (including prompts such as writing a letter, journaling in the form of a play, and using numbers as a starting point). Each email actually included several prompts for how to approach the day's lesson, so it was easy to find something as a jumping off point. Shimelle featured a layout of her own and one from a guest artist each day showing how they used the daily lesson. There were also several sketches that could be used for scrapbook pages. In a very cool twist, every day Shimelle featured a lesson from a writing expert who shared interesting insights into improving your writing, related to the day's lessons. These insights were fresh and interesting and very different from the sorts of things usually discussed in scrapbook classes. Although I used the class as a way to create art journal pages, I know I will also be able to use the prompts for scrapbook pages and blog posts. As a final bonus, Shimelle emailed a booklet of 52 more prompts with lots of samples to keep your journaling all year long! Overall, it was a wonderful class which offered fresh approaches to journaling, either in the format to be used or the subjects to be covered. Priced at only $15, it's an Easy A!
I made this art journal page in response to a prompt in Shimelle's class "True Stories" about capturing your own private language - you know those pet phrases unique to your world that might be forgotten months or years from now, if not jotted down and explained. It's just a little thing, but as I wrote above, "I find it so sweet when Clara signs off her texts in agreement, 'Kk'."
Shimelle's class was all about capturing stories before they get lost and about recording them in ways that are more meaningful that simply "who, what, when and where." Fifteen emails over three weeks covered a variety of interesting ways to tell stories (including prompts such as writing a letter, journaling in the form of a play, and using numbers as a starting point). Each email actually included several prompts for how to approach the day's lesson, so it was easy to find something as a jumping off point. Shimelle featured a layout of her own and one from a guest artist each day showing how they used the daily lesson. There were also several sketches that could be used for scrapbook pages. In a very cool twist, every day Shimelle featured a lesson from a writing expert who shared interesting insights into improving your writing, related to the day's lessons. These insights were fresh and interesting and very different from the sorts of things usually discussed in scrapbook classes. Although I used the class as a way to create art journal pages, I know I will also be able to use the prompts for scrapbook pages and blog posts. As a final bonus, Shimelle emailed a booklet of 52 more prompts with lots of samples to keep your journaling all year long! Overall, it was a wonderful class which offered fresh approaches to journaling, either in the format to be used or the subjects to be covered. Priced at only $15, it's an Easy A!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Sian's Christmas Club
There's a scene in Harry Potter where Dumbeldore uses a pensieve to go back and examine saved memories. Blog friend Sian is organizing a venture she calls "Christmas Club," in which she is encouraging friends to dip into pensieves of their own and recall special memories from Christmases past. The Christmas Club will generally run on Sundays, but I wanted to do a bit of catch-up with a small post of my own. Thanksgiving (in America) seems like as good a day as any to share this food-based Christmas memory. So, I'm placing the wand into my pensieve and pulling out a memory from 1989 . . .
It's time for the annual baking day with my good friend Linda. Paul and I havem recently bought our first home - a condominium in San Carlos, California. The double ovens will come in handy as we bake pound cake and three different kinds of cookies, not to mention the candied pecans that also must go into the oven. We are able to use the stove top for the fudge we will make, though. Before we begin any of that, though, we pop open a bottle of champagne and mix it with fresh squeezed orange juice. Who cares that it's not even 10:00 a.m.? It's baking day. After we have a few drinks and bagels, we start cooking in earnest. Our music of choice? Bruce Springsteen, played at high volume. Around noon, we have some fancy pizza to go with our second bottle of champagne. We continue to cook and by mid-afternoon, all we have left to do is decorate the sugar cookies. Over the years, we have found this to be the perfect activity to accompany our third bottle of champagne. By the time our guys arrive at the condo after work, all we are fit to do is to giggle, sing Bruce Springsteen and hit the sack early. Everyone always loved everything we made (and so I'm sharing the recipes with you today-click on them to enlarge). But, for me, the true joy of the season was the time spent with a good friend - eating, drinking, singing, dancing and giggling. On Baking Day, 1989.
Heart-Tattoo-to be simbol

Heart-Tattoo is a tattoo of a pictorial kind heart, normally in use on the people who do like a heart as a symbol in itself .. there are also people who come have a large muscles attach to the arm tattoo heart .. if it was a bit bored with hearts, you can modify the heart with 2 wings tattooed on his side .. there are also add horns and a tail as a symbol of Satan .. Want to try it you?
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
2010 Honda HPD CR-Z Racer Wallpapers
2010 Honda HPD CR-Z Racer Wallpaper
2010 Honda HPD CR-Z Racer Front View
2010 Honda HPD CR-Z Racer Photo
2010 Honda HPD CR-Z Racer Back View
2011 Honda Fit EV Concept Wallpapers
2011 Honda Fit EV Concept Wallpaper
2011 Honda Fit EV Concept Interior
2011 Honda Fit EV Concept Photo
2011 Honda Fit EV Concept Back View
2011 Honda Fit EV Concept Side View
Let's talk Color Combinations
(oops. Published a little early; meant to post tonight at 10 p.m.)
The current color challenge at the Gingersnap Creations Blog features "Vintage Hues." I made this book mark and ATC in shades of browns, coppers and creams, with a hint of black. I actually really like brown and use it quite a bit. I think it pairs really well with just about any other color, too, although I've always been partial to brown and blue together for masculine layouts. I thought about this recently when I saw this dynomite blanket which Margie is knitting for her soon-to-arrive nephew. Another color combination I really love features red, black and cream. Do you have any favorite color cominations?
I've noticed several color challenges in blogland. The Play Date Cafe features color combinations every week, and the Gingersnappers have a color challenge once a month. Do you know of other regular color combination challenges out there in blogland? Do you participate?
Lower Back Tattoos For Girls And Woman

Girls all over the world simply love the lower back tattoo. They are amongst the most popular designs available today. They make you look really sexy as a woman because they emphasize and draws attention to the most beautiful curve on a woman's body. This is the main reason for its popularity: the location on a woman's body. This is also the widest part of the body, therefore it provides an enormous amount of space for placing any tattoo design, be it large or small. Some people believe that the these tattoos are a sign of vulgarity.
But on the other end, tattoos must be seen as an art, a beautiful body art and must be seen as that, without looking at the location of the tattoo. Lower back tattoos are very fashionable in these modern times and it can be very easily hidden. They are available in all types and sizes. The following are different categories of these designs: Princess Crown, Flower vine tattoos, Celtic tattoos, Koi, etc.
The most popular one mentioned above is the Princess Crown design. This type of design is best suited for a girl's body. These tattoos looks very graceful on a girl's lower back and even more attractive and sexy if done with certain colors like orange, red, pink, green and purple. If you are a lover of Barbie dolls, then this will definitely be a suitable design for you. So, getting inked with the Princess Crown lower back tattoo is the best way to attain a royal feeling.
The Flower Vine designs are really the womanly designs. Just like the vine of flowers, these tattoos are generally long and the lower back has sufficient space for this exquisite design. The Flower Vine tattoo can also be combined with hearts and angels to give it a more revealing and sexy look.
Celtic lower back tattoos are another important one. These tattoos have a religious meaning attached to it and cannot be called vulgar. In order to show love and respect to a loved one, you can add their name to your lower back Celtic design and this design is very decent and attractive.
Another design you can select from is the Angel lower back tattoo design. This design can be composed with butterfly wings to display the pure and elegant look of an angel.
It is a good idea to get a very skillful and professional tattoo artist if you choose this design as extra care should be taken whilst being inked with this delicate design. You can customize your own design to suit your personal tastes if any of the above mentioned is not of importance to you. There are lots of these designs available online. The most important thing you must consider before getting yourself inked with any lower back tattoo, is to seek the help of a professional tattoo artist. Please ensure that you first also check out the medical aspects involved before you take this big step. Remember, once inked, this remains with you for the rest of your life. So make that informed decision now, then go out there and get yourself tattooed with that sexy lower back tattoo
Lower Back Tattoos For Girls And Woman

Girls all over the world simply love the lower back tattoo. They are amongst the most popular designs available today. They make you look really sexy as a woman because they emphasize and draws attention to the most beautiful curve on a woman's body. This is the main reason for its popularity: the location on a woman's body. This is also the widest part of the body, therefore it provides an enormous amount of space for placing any tattoo design, be it large or small. Some people believe that the these tattoos are a sign of vulgarity.
But on the other end, tattoos must be seen as an art, a beautiful body art and must be seen as that, without looking at the location of the tattoo. Lower back tattoos are very fashionable in these modern times and it can be very easily hidden. They are available in all types and sizes. The following are different categories of these designs: Princess Crown, Flower vine tattoos, Celtic tattoos, Koi, etc.
The most popular one mentioned above is the Princess Crown design. This type of design is best suited for a girl's body. These tattoos looks very graceful on a girl's lower back and even more attractive and sexy if done with certain colors like orange, red, pink, green and purple. If you are a lover of Barbie dolls, then this will definitely be a suitable design for you. So, getting inked with the Princess Crown lower back tattoo is the best way to attain a royal feeling.
The Flower Vine designs are really the womanly designs. Just like the vine of flowers, these tattoos are generally long and the lower back has sufficient space for this exquisite design. The Flower Vine tattoo can also be combined with hearts and angels to give it a more revealing and sexy look.
Celtic lower back tattoos are another important one. These tattoos have a religious meaning attached to it and cannot be called vulgar. In order to show love and respect to a loved one, you can add their name to your lower back Celtic design and this design is very decent and attractive.
Another design you can select from is the Angel lower back tattoo design. This design can be composed with butterfly wings to display the pure and elegant look of an angel.
It is a good idea to get a very skillful and professional tattoo artist if you choose this design as extra care should be taken whilst being inked with this delicate design. You can customize your own design to suit your personal tastes if any of the above mentioned is not of importance to you. There are lots of these designs available online. The most important thing you must consider before getting yourself inked with any lower back tattoo, is to seek the help of a professional tattoo artist. Please ensure that you first also check out the medical aspects involved before you take this big step. Remember, once inked, this remains with you for the rest of your life. So make that informed decision now, then go out there and get yourself tattooed with that sexy lower back tattoo
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