Thursday, September 16, 2010

September Lessons (part 4)

Here's a few more lessons from the Learn Something New Everyday class.  I seem to be a day behind in the prompts somehow; not that worried, but I do wonder where I went off track.  For those of you who asked , I don't choose my lessons to match my stamp collection.  I have soooo many stamps that I have (so far) been able to find something that's a reasonably good representation of the day.
Sept. 11 - Such an emotional day here in the States. I watched some specials on television with Henry, and it brought me right back to that day.  I turned the events into a more general lesson, though, to also reflect a tragedy that occurred a few miles up the road from us.  The journaling reads "Tragedies strike. . . hold your loved ones close and appreciate each moment." I noted "2001 - terrorists' attacks; 2010 - gas line explosion in San Bruno, California."  Although the tragedies are of very different proportions, my husband used to wok with one of the women killed in the explosion this week and several of my son's baseball teammates went to school with her daughters (one perished, one survived).
Sept. 12 - "It's hard to live up to commitments, like finishing up a baseball tournament when you have an 8:00 am game and no chance to advance, but it's what we do in our family." Carrying through on commitments, especially when inconvenient and seemingly of little value, is a tough lesson for everybody to learn and a tough lesson we had to emphasize as parents this morning when dragging Henry out of bed at 6:00 am on a Sunday morning when he really wanted to sleep!
Sept. 13 - Lessons learned during the work week was the prompt, and I chose "I can 'touch type' on my ipad. I just have to turn it to landscape orientation. How did I not realize this before?'" Read an article at work on using an ipad while traveling and when the author mentioned this point, I gave a big Homer Simpson, "Doh!"
Other lessons learned:
*Choose a walk that will coordinate with errands I need to run.  The coastside trail is on the way to downtown errands."
"According to standardized tests, the kids are getting smarter."
"Washing my hair, putting on some makeup and wearing decent clothes goes a long way to making me look and feel more professional."
Sept. 14 - Lessons learned over and over was the prompt, and I chose "Keep everything in focus. Be clear what you want to be focusing on at work and at home.  Make those things your priorities - work on them a little each day."  My day 14 lesson is probably my favorite stamp of this bunch!
p.s. my computer is limping along in pretty bad shape these days. I was hoping it would last until Christmas, but it gives all the signs of being terminally ill and will likely just quit on me soon.  It moves at the speed of molasses and shows more and more bad sectors all the time.  So, I'm slowly working on backing everything up and patiently posting when it will let me.  I can still visit blogs & comment on my ipad, but if there's fewer blog posts by me, that's the reason.

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