Pass the Book: Still Missing (and Book/Blog question)
I finished reading Still Missing by Beth Gutcheon and am ready to pass it on. I received it as part of Sian's Pass the Book project, which you can read about here. This was one of the original books, I think, and it has passed through the hands of Amy, Jacky, Mel and Becky. I've kept it for quite a while, I'm afraid. It took me a while to get around to reading, and now that I'm finished with it, I'm not sure what took me so long! It's a really well-written book and quite a fast read. It deals with a young child who has disappeared and holds the reader's interest in many the same ways that a good police procedural television show or movie does - by showing the twists and turns in the investigation. But it adds a layer of character development that moves it out of the crime fiction genre and into literature, I think. This edition is also beautifully printed and bound - it feels good to hold it in your hands. If you're interested in receiving the book, leave me a comment and let me know. I'll pick a random name next week. If you receive a book in the "Pass the Book" project, you are asked to pass it along to someone else after you finish it and to post some kind of inspiration from the book. Which brings me to the art journal page at the top of today's post. My son, Henry, just passed his driver's license test and can now drive on his own - as in, alone and without us. It makes my life a bit lot easier, and he has earned the independence it gives him. But, it is a very, very scary thing. Much like the mother in Still Missing allows her seven year old son to walk two blocks to school on his own, I now allow sixteen year old Henry to drive a few miles on his own (to work, which is 4.1 miles away, and to the high school for baseball practice, which is 3.8 miles away). It's one of those hard parts of parenting that I know everyone must face. It's one of those times when I'm acutely aware that, as Elizabeth Stone said about motherhood, my heart has decided to "go walking around outside my body." The journaling on my page reads "I will watch you drive away and trust that the universe will bring you back home to me." Finally, I am looking for a good way to keep track of the books I read, and I think I want to do it on my blog. For those of you who do this, can you tell me about what you use, where you got it, how to install it, etc. You can either post in the comments or email me at rinda1961{at}yahoo{dot}com. Thanks.
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