1) (n) The 36 chambers a warrior has to go through to become a Shaolin. Every chambers has a special task the warrior has to complete in order to be able to continue to the next chamber.
2) (n) There are 36 'death-points' on the body, each seperated from the other at 10 degree intervals, where the trained Wu expert can cause death at a single blow. http://www.music-dictionary.org/36_chambers
Kinetic Linking
How does all this relate to Do Work?
Mastering a skill in business must take practice and laser focus.
- You must learn from mentors
- You must read books
- You must listen to Audio CDs
- You must attend training seminars
Kinetic linking teaches us fulcrums and leavers create power and leverage. How does this translate to business? Post your thoughts and I will post my next blog on the topic.
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