Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Courage + Faith + Massive Action = FEAR KILLER

How do I know I am on the right track?! This Sunday I woke up and I had a giant sheet of fear and anxiety over me. I woke up and went through me daily plan of action and the cloud was still hanging all over me. This takes me back to a time when I was just out of high school and I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I had this feeling day in and day out. It consumed my life for two to three years. I would have good days and bad days but I did not know if the feeling was ever going to leave me.

During this time I was devouring self help books and motivation and spiritual teachings.

From 18 to 28 I have learned a lot about perseverance and staying focused no matter what obstacle stood in my the way.

Courage + Faith + MASSIVE ACTION

Anxiety and Fear Killer!


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