Saturday, June 16, 2012

A Little Inspiration (and a thank-you)

Today, I want to share links to three inspiring new blogs I've recently discovered and one old favorite.  But before I get there, thanks to Ginger for some great "Happy Mail." I won a giveaway of postal art from Treasured Memories, and it arrived last week. It's pictured above.  Now, on to the inspiration!
First off, The Sketchbook Challenge is a great site for anyone who wants some inspiration to start a sketchbook or spend more time using her current sketchbook. It's got a monthly challenge, some wonderful tutorials, and it features a wide variety of styles.  Overall, I think it helps make the idea of sketching less intimidating.  You can check it out at this link.
Second, Unruly Paper Arts (click here) has replaced the beloved Gingersnap Creations Challenge blog that I used to frequent.  It is really starting to come into its own and has lots of interesting tutorials, challenges, articles, etc.  This recent tutorial featured a completely new (to me) technique for making nature prints like this one:
It's definitely worth checking out!
The third new blog I've discovered is bilingual (French/English) and called The Art Journal Cafe. It has lots of how-to's and interesting information for people interested in art journaling.  I particularly liked this post which gives a "recipe" for making an art journal page. If you ever wanted to try you hand at making an art journal page but didn't know where to start, this tutorial could be for you.  I want to give a hat tip to Marjie because it was her post (here) which led me to the Cafe.
Finally, I haven't checked in with The Scrappy Tree lately, but I really liked this tutorial on creating mixed media journals/albums (it was a follow-up to this previous tutorial).  Scrappy Tree is a great blog for all kinds of paper crafts, and I feel like they had been on a bit of a hiatus. I'm glad to see them back.
Let me know what you think of these blogs if you check them out or if you have any new blogs to recommend. I'm always looking for more inspiration.

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