Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hipstamatic Photography and JYC

Every year, one of my favorite online scrapbook teachers Shimelle offers a class called "Journal Your Christmas."  It's a way of reflecting on the holidays and holiday traditions. Last time I did this project, I took an art journal approach (big surprise, huh?). I created a 5x7 card for each journal prompt with artwork on one side and journaling on the other.  You can see the pages in a slide show in this post.
This year, I decided to do an album of hipstamatic photos.  These are photos taken with the hipstamatic app on the iphone.  I blogged about it, with lots of linky goodness courtesy of Shimelle, Sian and Kerry, here.
One of the keys to succeeding at JYC is to prepare quite a bit in advance. Since I was in a photography mood this morning, I decided to play with the app a bit more to try and decide which settings I wanted to use. Fair warning to my non photo geek friends, the following could be tedious and boring!  If you're not that into photography effects, feel free to glance at the photos and let me know if there's any one you like best. LOL!  I only own the basic hipstamatic app, which gives me 3 different lenses and three different film choices.  I tried out all the combinations on a soccer ball this morning and was really surprised by my results.
Here's the three taken with "blanko film" and the Kaimal Mark II (KM), Jimmy and John S lenses:
You can see a clear difference in the colors in these pictures!!! Not sure if I knew what accounted for it, so I took three more pictures.  These are taken with Ina's 1969 film and are the KM II, Jimmy and John S lenses again:
So, it's pretty clear to me now that the KMII lens creates a reddish tint, the Jimmy a yellow tint and the John S a blue tint.  If you're not too bored yet, check out the same three lenses with the final film choice (kodot Verichrome):
While it's pretty easy to see the difference in the lenses, it's harder to see the differences in the film choices.  I think it's mainly in the edging of the photo, but I"m also seeing a little more lighted area in the kodot veri film than the others.  Do you have a preference of lens choice or film???  If so, please share, as I'm trying to decide what to use for my JYC album.
My thoughts are after this jump if you want to see them:
I have a fairly strong preference for the John S lens.  I think the other two lenses just give too big a change of the image.  I confirmed this when I looked at my camera roll and found that almost all the hipstamatic photos that I saved were shot with the John S lens.  As for film, I like both the Ina 1969 and the kodot veri.  Looking at my camera roll, most of my keepers were with the Ina 1969/John S combination. But, I think I am leaning more toward the Kodi Veri/John S combination for my JYC.
I"d love to hear what you think! 

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