Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Thoughts

Tomorrow in the United States, we will celebrate Thanksgiving, but many people make a four day weekend of it.  Some even start a day early and take off Wednesday as well. I have to work today, but I've been thinking about the holiday already.  The Thanksgiving tradition celebrates a feast provided by Native Americans to early American settlers to help them through the rough winter.
These days, the holiday is usually celebrated with a large meal, shared with family, on Thursday (often featuring a turkey). Many people start their Christmas shopping on Friday, and stores open early (anywhere from midnight to 4 am) for "Black Friday" sales (so named because the amount of shopping is said to help the store's sales enough to turn their annual profits from the "red" into the "black.") There's a lot of American football on television.
I love the modern parts of Thanksgiving which emphasize sharing a meal with family and friends. And I love the traditional part of Thanksgiving which emphasizes the idea of community sharing. I'll be enjoying some family time this long weekend and so will be away from my blog.  But, in the spirit of sharing, I'll be leaving reposts of tutorials I've done.  I hope you enjoy them.  I'd also love it if people would a favorite Thanksgiving memory in comments (or, for those of you who don't celebrate Thanksgiving, a favorite memory of community sharing).

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