Monday, November 16, 2009

The Engine

Everyone has dreams.....right? I have lots of dreams. I am working daily to achieve my goals and chipping a way at large dreams I see in the future. This brings me to another question. If I dont have the capacity to achieve my dreams because the my mind, work ethic, or desire do not meet the demands of the task is it impossible to reach my larger goals?

I have the same question for a crossfitter. Many people want to train for the crossfit games but they might not have the engine to get them there. Their body might not have the capacity to perform under the demands of 8 crossfit workouts in two days. So the question is does the person have the wrong goals or do they need to figure out a way to make it happen?

This is why I believe everyone needs a coach or a mentor in their lives. What do you think?
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