Saturday, January 30, 2010

Photography a la Frida Kahlo

I've decided to follow along with the "Develop on Fridays" photography course, even though I haven't officially signed up for the forum or class.  I'm also starting at assignment #2, but I might go back and do #1 later.  Assignment #2 "influences" was to find an artist who calls to you, figure out why he or she speaks to you and then take a photograph that incorporates those ideals.  I chose Frida Kahlo who has long been one of my favorites.  Her paintings (often self-portraits) were intimate looks at her struggles in life. She made the personal political and vice-versa.  She used bold colors and Mexican motifs.  My photograph is also about how the personal can become political and takes a stand on the same-sex marriage debate.  It's called "I favor love." It features a vintage glass heart and some amazing "marriage milagros" from Peru that I found when I was out thrifting today.  I hope you like it, and I hope I don't offend you.

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