Sunday, April 25, 2010

Photography Self-Teach: Wildflower Walk

Wildflower Shadow Self-Portrait
I went on a hike today with my husband and used the opportunity to work on my photography skills.  We went to Edgewood Park in San Carlos, California, which has an abundance of wildflowers.  I've enjoyed seeing other people's shadow self-portraits, so took a couple today featuring wildflowers.  ETA: I wanted to mention that one of my inspirations for this was Nellie Mae's post here on her blog, This Little Blog of Mine.
Here are a few of my favorite photographs from a technical standpoint.  I took at least 3 shots of each subject [one on automatic; one on a preprogrammed setting, such as closeup, portrait or action; and one on semi-manual (I was able to set the white balance to sunny and set the ISO to 800; the camera set the fstop)].  The automatic consistently turned out the worst of the three. I took everything with my 50 mm fixed lens. You can click to enlarge any photo.

Trio of flowers:

Tree on a hill:

California golden poppies (our state flower):

My best "capture" of the day occurred when I heard a bunch of birds chirping but couldn't see them.  Suddenly, I realized it must be a nest deep within a tree.  By standing on a stump and using a flash, I was rewarded with this photo:

I was also able to get a picture of a busy bee:

Here are pictures of DH and me on our lunch break:
Finally, for the photography geeks in the audience (you know who you are), here's the same thistle taken in three different modes ISO priority, portrait setting, automatic), just so you can see what they look like:
Which photo is your favorite?  Have you ever done a shadow self-portrait?

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